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Join date: Dec 29, 2022


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Hello, my name is Timothy Chandler, I am 43 years old, I was saved on August 1989, I was filled with the Holy Spirit on October 3, 1994 at the Upper Room Church in Wilton, Alabama. My journey at The Church At Bethel began before the church was birthed. On August 1999, I met Pastor Wayne Hughes at another church he pastored. I became a member there up till November 2000. After I departed in November 2000, on May 2001Pastor launched the inspired vision to develop The Church At Bethel. On June 2002 God began to call me back to be under Pastor Wayne as my shepherd, within a few months of being at Bethel the Holy Spirit began to convict me to assist Trent and Deidra Hughes (Pastor Waynes son and daughter-in-law), in helping them with the youth ministry. I argued said I was not a outgoing person, but I follow through in the call in becoming a youth leader assistant. On October 2002, our church moved into a new building on a Wednesday night, a few months later after we settled into the new building I was introduced to doing sound and media for the youth ministry. Trent trained me in how to operate everything, but what I didn't realize God had a bigger plan. I was very comfortable in my position as a youth leader, assistant, and as the sound and media for them. One day I saw the big board. In the sanctuary and it looks very intimidating to me, I told God I will stick with doing the sound in the youth, but I will not operate that big board in the sanctuary because it looks too confusing to operate. In 2003 God began to push me out of my comfort zone. He would allow me to hear there was a need for a permanent sound and media position in the sanctuary. The very thing that I said I was not going to do I started doing in 2003 up until present time.

Now in 2023 my journey continues at Bethel as the sound and media leader, God has blessed me with another partner in the ministry, Bridget Marcus to handle the media needs. I am looking forward to seeing where this continual journey with father God leads me!

I hope my story brings hope that with God anything is possible to those that believe!

Thank you for reading about me! Many blessings to you!


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