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Timothy C
Mar 22, 2023
In ⚔Iron Sharpens Iron⚔
This morning I wanted to refresh my memory on the 7 major feasts of Israel. During my reading I came to discover something that is encouraging to me, I wanted to pass it along to all my church family. I can't go into full details of the feasts, this would be a very long writing. I encourage you to search it out, Bro John Blair is very knowledgeable on it, I also recommend Bro Perry Stone teachings as well. Jesus fulfilled all the spring feasts up till Pentecost, Pentecost happened in early summer months. Here is what I discovered, Pentecost was the beginning of the continuous outpouring of Holy Spirit and fire on the church and still is ongoing till the present day. As most know the natural order of seasons is spring, summer, autumn and winter. In the beginning of summer we get hotter up till September or October then it starts trending cooler weather. The birth of the church started off hot and fiery passionate and has dwindled down to a remnant of faithful fiery sons and daughters of God. If you will notice in the world spiritually speaking it has gotten darker and colder, in plain terms it has gotten more wicked and more cold hearted with no compassion. In the fall months we start to experience cooler weather and it gets darker earlier. What excites me is if we are spiritually experiencing colder temperatures and it's getting darker, that means we are entering into the early stages of our Spiritual Autumn which means the Fall feasts is approaching quickly, the first fall feast is the sounding of the trumpets aka Feast of trumpets. In closing here is a short summary from a website I pray this discovery blesses and encourages y'all as much it has me! Blessings! Timothy
Spiritual Autumn content media
Timothy C
Mar 06, 2023
In ⚔Iron Sharpens Iron⚔
Timothy C
Feb 28, 2023
In ⚔Iron Sharpens Iron⚔
Timothy C
Feb 27, 2023
In ⚔Iron Sharpens Iron⚔ I pray this blog post blesses you!
Timothy C
Feb 20, 2023
In ⚔Iron Sharpens Iron⚔
Yesterday the service was awesome. After hearing what Brentley said it brought me back to the lesson of being ready for our wedding day in heaven with Jesus. I sensed we are being called out of the worlds marketplace into the bridal chamber to allow the brides maid aka Holy Spirit to begin the preparation for the wedding day. I am not experienced in all that goes on bridal suite but I know it is a lengthy process of getting ready. As the Holy Spirit gave me the call to draw me away from distractions into the chambers of prayer, He began to work on me and still is. One of the most humbling things about being in the bridal chamber is taking off all that weighs us down and allowing the Spirit to give us a full beauty treatment inside and out. We put on the wedding garment of righteousness of Jesus Christ that He paid for on our behalf. Then when we are fully ready, we wait and occupy till we here the CRY go forth, "The bridegroom comes, go out to meet him"!!! What a day that will be! Now everyone has there own personal responsibility and convictions that will need to be dealt with in the bridal suite but we all have one common goal, that is being ready for the sound of the trumpet to announce our wedding day! Wedding Day is coming y'all!!! Blessings!!!
Timothy C
Jan 31, 2023
In ⚔Iron Sharpens Iron⚔
“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;” (Isa 61:1, ESV) This Bible verse has always brought hope and a vision of what I desire to be today. During this journey of healing I want to help others be set free as well. In the body of Christ we have many who are sick emotionally and needs healing of the heart. I want my journey to help light the path for those in darkness of depression see a way out. To begin this journey I had to be open and allow Jesus in the dark places of my heart. Secondly I had to be humble and allow my precious friends inside as well to see the good, bad and ugly. It is ok to cry and feel pain, Jesus didn't come for the whole but for the sick, poor and needy. His very purpose was to die on the cross so we can have full access to the presence of God. All of this doesn't automatically make us feel good but it helps begin the healing process. I speak all this from experience not a theological head knowledge. Emotional pain is been a reality for me since the beginning of my journey with Jesus back in 1989. As Pastor says, God wastes noting. I believe that my primary calling is help bring comfort and light those who are dealing with emotional pain. Everything in my life points towards this calling. I want to encourage you my church family to not feel ashamed of your pain, it is ok to express yourself. As I see vet shows, I learned in order for the the vet to heal an abscess they had to open it up and let the junk out. I'm not saying tell it all in public but mainly in a safe environment with trusted prayer intercessors. This will help begin our healing heart journey. Over the years I conditioned myself to shut everything and everyone out of my wounded heart. Jesus is changing my heart to one of a more softer and opened one. It isn't easy as he has to tenderly deal with my wounds as I allow Him and trusted friends into enter my heart. He is gradually undoing many years of pain and callous places and bringing healing and wholeness to me. I will close with this, I am here to listen to you. There is many more besides me that is on this heart healing journey that God is raising up to be the hands and feet of Jesus to help make the prophecy of Isaiah 61:1 come alive and real in the body of Christ! Blessings! Your brother in Christ! Timothy

Timothy C

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