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The Church At Bethel
Sep 19, 2024
In ✝️ The Pastor's Corner ✝️
Proverbs 6:16-19 TPT There are six evils God truly hates and a seventh that is an abomination to him: [17] Putting others down while considering yourself superior, spreading lies and rumors, spilling the blood of the innocent, [18] plotting evil in your heart toward another, gloating over doing what’s plainly wrong, [19] spouting lies in false testimony, and stirring up strife between friends (sowing discord among the brethren)KJV. These are entirely despicable to God! 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 TPT Love is large and incredibly patient. Love is gentle and consistently kind to all. It refuses to be jealous when blessing comes to someone else. Love does not brag about one’s achievements nor inflate its own importance. [5] Love does not traffic in shame and disrespect, nor selfishly seek its own honor. Love is not easily irritated or quick to take offense. [6] Love joyfully celebrates honesty and finds no delight in what is wrong. [7] Love is a safe place of shelter, for it never stops believing the best for others. Love never takes failure as defeat, for it never gives up. There is a glaring contrast between the world we live in today and the Savior’s design. It’s apparent the world at large is living as Proverbs 6 describes. The love He has for all was demonstrated on the cross. 1 Corinthians 13 describes that love and you could place His name where the Word “love” is. This love is transforming. It’s one thing to say, “Jesus loves me.” It’s is completely different to receive His love. Only then can we truly represent and demonstrate His love to others. “Walk as He walked.” 1 John 4:17 KJVS Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. “As He is.” Romans 5:8 TPT But Christ proved God’s passionate love for us by dying in our place while we were still lost and ungodly! We all have the same value. Romans 10:9 KJVS That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. People don’t go to hell because they’re bad but because they reject His forgiveness. People don’t go to Heaven because they are good but because they confess and believe receiving His forgiveness. Made righteous as He is! Our lives will demonstrate this if our minds have been renewed. It’s a choice! He loves you! - Pastor Wayne Hughes
The Church At Bethel
Sep 16, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
While teaching on this Wednesday evening Pastor said something that kind of got my attention . He said " fire consumes dead things ". Thinking on what he was saying I started thinking about different types of fires . For instance a forest fire gets its fuel to burn by burning up leaves that have fallen to the ground or even dead trees that might be laying there . The dead foilage on the ground is quickly consumed by the fires . There two kind of fires that affect us if we allow them to . One is the fire from God , the holy spirit fire . The other is the fires of hell . We can be consumed by either , but the one we strive for is The Holy Fire of God . The fires of hell are for those whom do not believe as it states in God's word in Revelation chapter 20 . So back to the forest fire . After a forest fire trees dead and alive are consumed by the fire but in just a little while there is new growth new trees , flowers grass sprouts back to life . And soon it becomes a forest again . Scripture tells us that God sends His Holy Fire so that we would be dead to our sin . See Jesus is the Fire that God sent for one final sacrifice . Jesus paid our debt , so that we would not have to worry about or live in our past . Our Salvation comes from the longsuffering of our Lord . We need to be consumed by the presence of our Lord as we strive each and every day to do our best or things that are right . Holy Fire of God consume me . Be Blessed and like wise consumed by Jesus ' Love . DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✝️ The Pastor's Corner ✝️
This is a faith booster! I’m still receiving reports of healing from the past 3 services!  The question I believe the Holy Spirit is answering is, “Why are we surrounded by powerless Christianity?” Bethel is moving into a place of miracles. A wise man said, “Two things we don’t need to pray. (1.) Don’t ask God to do what He’s already done. (2.) Don’t ask God to do what He’s told you to do.” These signs shall follow them that believe. They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I am excited about tonight as we continue in the revelation that will bring the harvest of souls. Consistent miracles! No matter how dark it seems, what Abba has spoken over you is FOR you! He will not back up on His word. It will happen! The devil is a liar. What he uses to try to pull you down will NOT prosper! Jesus’ love for you is unshakable, unchanging and His timing is perfect!  I love you Bethel and thank you for your faithfulness!
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✝️ The Pastor's Corner ✝️
“May the favor of the Lord rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands.”  Psalm 90:17.   Happy New Year! Yes, there is always something about a New Year that fills us with hope. Maybe it’s because we feel we’ve been given a chance to do it all again, but better. Perhaps it’s just the wonder of what will be, or a wonderful opportunity to grow closer to our Lord and grow in our faith. And, obedience is at the very heart of it. In Romans 1:5-6, the Apostle Paul talks about the obedience that comes from faith. “Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name, among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ” Romans 1:5-6. For we obey God only by faith in Him. Faith-less obedience is a fiction. With that in mind, let’s all ask ourselves, in what ways does God desire our obedience as the New Year begins? We know His Word promises that He has plans for us. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11. Can we place our trust in Him, so much so, that we are obedient to Him? For He says they are “plans to prosper [us] and not to harm [us]”. This coming new year my friends, seek His plans and follow them. Let Him establish the work of our hands, and we will have success; for His Word is Truth. It says, “… seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33. He will meet all of our needs for He knows what they are. If we make any resolutions this year, the first must be to trust Him, and the second must be to be obedient to Him. My friends, acknowledge that we are the body of Christ. Each of us has a place and a purpose, and if we don’t fulfill the purpose God has given us, the body will not function as it should. Each of us should ask ourselves, where we fit in the body. We must discover our place and pursue His purpose in this new year. As we pray today, ask the Lord to reveal to us how He wants us to be involved in His Kingdom. How does He want us to serve? Each of us has been uniquely positioned and fully equipped with spiritual gifts. Ask Him to reveal to us what they are and to show us how to use them. “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” In this new year go forth and bring Glory to God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Amen and blessings extraordinary from the Lord who has received us by the blood of the New Covenant! Numbers 6:24-26 KJVS The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: [25] The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: [26] The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. These are Father’s instruction and His idea for us.  Galatians 3:13-14 KJVS Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: [14] That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. He is faithful! We love you all! Happy New Year! - Pastor Wayne Hughes
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
Have you ever thought of why Jesus was crucified instead of hung by a rope . Or maybe pulled apart . There were many different ways that men were put to death in those days . If you google methods by which men were put to death in Jesus' day . It actually mentions several but there were three that were the common methods , stoning  , burning and crucifixion . There are two more mentioned as hanging and the sword . If you think about the five different ways they chose the one that would cause the most suffering . Crucifixion was at the top of the list because it was reserved for what they considered low life criminals and enemies of the state and was used as a spectacle to warn others . It was used to shame Jesus because He hung on the cross naked . They mocked Him gambled for His clothes , spit on Him beat Him and in all of these things He went to the Father and asked Him to forgive them . Can you imagine the soldiers looking up at Jesus and hearing what He was saying ? Not realizing that He loved them even after all that was done to Him . He could have struck each one with a deadly bolt of lightining . But He loved them . This shows me that He truly loves each of us , even those who don't  know Him . Ironically they hung Him on a cross with His arms wide open . Im sure evil didn't think about Him hanging on the cross with His arms out inviting each person His love showing us that He LOVES US FROM NAIL TO NAIL . Be blessed and have a wonderful week .                -  DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
Today as I was sitting at home waiting on a worker from the electric company . I was looking up online what I needed to do because my lights would work for about 5 minutes the go really dim for about 5 minutes then pop back up bright . I looked at a bunch of stuff but really thought my problem was with the power coming from the pole . Well the power company guy came and ran a test and told me "Your gonna have to call an electrician because your problem has to be coming from the inside breaker box" . So I was determined I was gonna find the problem . Yesterday I went through every outlet and light switch in the area that was affected to tighen up every wire screw that was connected . So just as I was about to call it , throw in the towel as they say , Tina said " just go ahead and call an electrician but I just couldn't let myself give up , so I pushed forward with an idea that Im sure someone that knows everything was telling me . So I cut the power at the main swapped a breaker that I knew was good with the one that I thought was bad . But just as I finished that same soneone was telling me in my spirit to tighten up every screw on the feed side and the ground side . Well turns out there were several ground wires that were loose . Turned the power back on and No more lights dimming no more microwave ,fridge the 2 air units not working . So as I was writing this pow the power back off . So I threw the main again and came back inside to tighten up 2 cables that come in from the outside breaker , ( the power feed cables ) and they were loose . So reset all the breakers and now they work again . The Holy Spirit was speaking to my heart and His message was "In the days to come stay grounded don't be swayed stay grounded"  . The enemy will try and try to pull us from the Rock but it is all up to us to plant ourselves firmly and not drift "come aloose . See if we aren't grounded on the rock then evil will try to have it's way with us   and nothing will work correctly . Remember always stand firm on the Holy Word of God and stay grounded . Because He is our source and our strength . Anyways Im so glad to be grounded in him and the power box .                  -DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
Many people worship God's only Son For all wonderous things He has done But many choose to live in worldly strife And never understand about the Blood of Christ Some don't want to hurt anothers feelings By making them feel uncomforable They choose not to sing about the Blood or the terrible lashing that Christ received. I can tell you one important thing about us humans and animals we have to have blood in our bodies to live . It is as oil ,the life of an engine . If your blood is tainted you won't live through it , If you replace it with any other liquid you will not make it . But the blood of Christ if you don't believe in it's power . Do you think by not talking about it  or singing about it that you are safe ? But , you see , the Blood of Christ is what covers us so that our Father in Heaven can look upon us , because He will not be able to see our sin , and everone knows God cannot look upon our sin because if He did we would die . The Blood of Christ is important in our walk , in our salvation , or our testimony . The only PURE BLOOD COMES FROM THE ONE WHO SHED IT ON THE CROSS AT Calvary . Choose Life and remember There is Power in the Blood of Jesus .                    -  DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
Have you been inspired by something ? Most people have been . Some by a movie , book , song or something else . Recently I have been inspired by my grandson Luka . Most know of him being born with Spina Bifada . He is almost two years old and he has gone through alot in his short time here . I've watched him as he pushes himself every day . He recently got a loaner walker from his physical therapist . And man he can really get around with it . He can do things that impressed the very prople that had doubt . It is also important to be inspired by the Word of God . Because without that our Faith would not be able to grow . Being inspired by Luka is a Faith builder for me . When he was born he had to lay on his tummy for about three weeks , until the incision area healed . He is able to get around now by cruising on his loaner wheels . He will be getting his very own in a few months . He is learning each day to maneuver it around pretty good . God is so good . He can remove all doubts , He can pull us out of any problem . GOD IS BIGGER THAN ANY PROBLEM . Through Christ Jesus we are able to move any mountain . So be inspired by God's Holy Word . And find something of God that inspires you . It just takes a second if you look around .                        DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
There are 3 components  to make a car engine run . Fuel , oil and water /air ,( I use air and water as the same because some engines are air cooled . There are also 3 wheel , tire and air . The cars body sheet metal , windshield and windows are like the Armor of God and is for protection from the elements or debris .    Just as the world today has been taking God / Christianity out of everthing . The auto industry is replacing metal with plastics . And as the world denies the Trinity the auto industry is replacing or trying to replace the combustion engine with Electric powered cars . Here are the comparisons Engine/power train = Praise / Worshipers Fuel/water/oil = The Trinity Tires/wheels = Congregations to keep going Frame = The Word Headlights , lights our way. Steering guides our way . And the cabin /windows gives us a safe environment The Armor is our protection from the worldly elements . GPS is set to the destination that all followers of Jesus Christ , an eternal relationship with Him .  So take a seat and buckle up and get ready because ,         THE BEST IS YET TO COME                    DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE ?  LISTEN TO YOUR HEART This morning I woke up about 3:00 . The Lord was telling my heart something I haven't really thought about but have heard this phrase before " If it's too good to be true , then it probably is . My mind kept going over and over the phrase . Then He instructed me to pray for specific people , Marissa's mom Lisa , my children , my mother inlaw , grandkids . See that phrase means one thing to the lost world we live in . It's saying to those that are worldly that there is no hope . We as Follwers of Jesus Christ can make a statement against this phrase . We believe that our Hope , Salvation is found through Christ . Of course there are probably some highly educated people that might say this is false . But I can tell you that my life with Christ is full of Hope , full of desires to be more like Jesus , full of Joy ( even when I lose my trane of thought ). Because scripture tells us in Proverbs 8:35 ; For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord . 1 Peter 5:10 says ; And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast . John 5:24 says ; Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life . Then John 3:16 on so on and so on . See Jesus is THE TRUTH and He will make us FREE . He is the Way the Truth and The Life ,The Light of the world . So now when I hear that quote I will remember what it means for me . Because without Jesus I am nothing but the same as those that unbelievers . And this is what is True , CHOOSE LIFE AND LIVE FOREVER .                    DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
Yesterday was a busy day . Started out going to the Dr. got 2 shots one antibiotic the other a steroid . Well the steroid shot started working right away , I felt alot better than I had earlier . Got home from a bunch of running here and there . Then cleaned the car , wash , wax , wheels , whew it wore me out up and down moving my arms all around . So we decided what time we were leaving for our trip the next morning and we laid down . I fell asleep pretty quick around 10 , but I woke up about 2:30 then back asleep then awake at 3 . Before I woke up around 4:30 I had a dream / vision . The Holy Spirit kept showing me the word HOLY . My mind began going from 0 - 100 . An acronym kept popping up for HOLY . I thought I need to sleep , I have a long drive . But it wouldn't stop so I just got up got the house cleaned up a little while Tina was asleep . Oh and in the dream / vision , Jesus was standing arms wide open with scarred hands outstretched , wearing a crown of thorns . And a sash that read HOLY . Underneath each letter was what each one represented He Obviously Loves You  And He does LOVE each and every one of us . No matter where we are , what we've done . So long as we ask Him into our hearts , He clears us from our sentence of death . He paid it all because .                       HE IS HOLY                    DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
From the first word that the Father spoke , we became winners . He spoke and it was so . Just think He breathed His breathe of life into man . It was a lot more of a personal thing , it was one on one with man . He spoke creation into existence, trees the land fish and animals . But man , He took from the earth and with His very own hands He formed man , and then He breathed life into Adam . The Father wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him  . He loves us so very much . Each and every one of us are special to Him . Even those that just don't get it He also loves . He loves us so much that He sent His only Son Jesus to be the sacrificial lamb for the salvation of mankind . It breaks the Fathers heart because of the rejection some have towards Him . Yet He still loves each one of those . It is so simple to accept Him . He takes us just as we are . Every spot or blemish in our lives that we have asked His forgiveness of , has been washed clean . Purified , washed as white as snow . And all we have to do is ask Him into our hearts . So simple . Because He was a simple man . Let The Lord love on you each day because He wants to love us .                        - DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
Wednesday night Pastor was teaching on the raising of Lazarus . John 11 : 43 . Jesus said with a loud voice , "Lazarus come forth" . I can't help but think about just what Jesus is saying to the hearts of His people . The problem is most aren't listening for His voice . See if we God's people would stop for just one moment and listen , surely we would hear Him saying to us " COME FORTH "Come unto Me all of you that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest . Jesus wants to give us a hand up not a hand out . He wants to reach down and pull us out of the pit , out of the mire and muck that the world has some of us trapped in . If it is of the world it is a lie . So reach for the hand that is your saving Grace so He can save you from death . He is the possessor of the keys of death , hell and the grave , so why wouldn't we ? If we believe in what the world tries to tell us then we have fallen into it's trap , into satan's lies . Evil will try and try to get us to follow it home . But why would we he can't even get in his own house . Because he doesn't have keys to get in as I mentioned  before Jesus had them . So next time that old evil thing comes up on front of you remember WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST JESUS . You are SAVED by GRACE , through FAITH . Have a Joyful week and a Blessed life .                        DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
As most know by now I have called it quits , no longer employed by the same company . It's been 40 years in the making and it's about time to rest for a little bit . Thanks to Tina's dad he helped me get the job that I've had for the last 40 years . Im not gonna lie and say it was an easy road because there were some rough times . So being the curious self I am , I thought about what is the significance of 40 years . I know about Moses and David , Solomon and King Saul and what was special about 40 years for them . What I didn't know is 40 years also represents a period of trial or testing or probation . I guess you could say I've been through those . Also the number 40 in the Bible according to google that it brings to mind qualities such as , Repentance , Newness , Preparation , Self examination , Transformation , Task fulfillment , escape from bondage or slavery , Nourishment and  Personal fulfillment . One thing I know is I'm blessed to be able to retire thanks to my beautiful wife . I think I did the easy parts and she's been the anchor . I thank God for her and my kids, family and church . They are what is really important . Well it's bout time to do some of my house husband duties and clean up . Thanks to everyone that congratulated me . I am truly blessed .                  DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
Listening to a song in my head. It's really hard to believe just how true this song is . It's a country song and im sure most of y'all have probably even heard it . It wasn't that long ago that there was a spiritual shift in our country , a shift that would change the minds of so many people even God's very own . Since this time there have been so many changes for the worse . We now have men wanting to call themselves women and women calling themselves men . We have children in schools identifying as cats . Where is God we ask ? Well for the believers in Christ Jesus He dwells in our hearts . He walks beside us with every step and every breath we take . The initial start of this shift began long ago im sure but , I remember when in school we said the Lord's prayer , the pleadge of allegiance and then a Patriotic song . Im sure there are remanants of this in schools now but very few . What is to become of our children or grandchildren when these are gone also ? We need to stand and fight this evil , take it back from the evil . Together along within our churches we can teach them the Way of the Cross . We can tell them where to go to when they need someone to talk to , when they feel a friend isn't around . Just like the song " Just a little talk with Jesus " says makes it right . Anytime Jesus is entered into a conversation whether with someone else or in our prayers . It is made right . Oh and the country song happens to be by  The Judds " Grandpa tell me 'bout them good ol days ". My prayer is this .  " Lord rekindle the minds of the parents and grandparents of the past , when You Lord were part of the school curriculum . Lord start a revival in the schools throughout this country to remind us all that we are FREE . That when we pour our heart out to you and that you forgive us of our trespasses ". And most of all that we all remember where you are . WE NEED YOU JESUS .  In the name of our savior Jesus Christ the only Son of our Heavenly Father  AMEN !   The song rings true also that this world has gone crazy and it is only because  WE THE CHURCH HAVE ALLOWED IT .  I know that some have been fighting all of this , some say our hands are tied . So have we prayed have we fasted in prayer ? We have a right it's called voting . Vote for the right things , vote your heart . Vote like the Jesus inside is there watching the choice you make , sitting beside you watching while you fill in the the circle . We can take everything back that has been taken , but it is up to us . SPREAD THE WORD . That is God's Word of course the rest will take care of itself . Be a BLESSED people .                       DWAYNE  SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
This morning the Holy Spirit reminded me of the chorus of one of the songs that He gave me .  " It's your life don't give up don't lose sight  Of everything that's good Sometimes are bad son if you could  I know you should stay in this fight  And because of your wounds  Don't you never ever quit  And when it seems like darkness looms Jesus can fix it . " Sometimes it just seems like nothing is going right , and all we can see are the bad things laid out before us . And we can lose sight of everything that is Good , because thise bad things , well they hurt . It is only when we stop looking at those bad things and look up , that we can see our redemption . Like someone that is given a dire prognosis on their health , if they just give up then their outcome will not be what the Lord intended . My family has witnessed what Jesus can do with positive thinking . Just know that He is for us . We are the reason that He gave His life freely . He wants nothing but the best for us . We are human and we can fall into that "O woe is me" mentality . Just don't lose sight of all of the Great things He has done for us all . I pray this rekindles a fire in someone's heart . My The Lord Bless and Keep us all . Have a beautifully , wonderful , outstanding day that The Lord has made .                       DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Sep 15, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
Ever went through something and it really bothered you . You thought in your heart , Why am I going through this trial ? Why is thishappening to me ? You really want to know where the Father is . In the scriptures Job questioned God . He asked God three seperate questions . His first he asked , "Wherefore was I born?" Job 3:11 . Second ,, "How can man be just with God?" Job 9:2. And thirdly he asked , , "If a man die shall he live again?" Job 14:14 .Job wasn't the only one to question David also did , he was asking God how long would God forget him, hide His face from him, have sorrow in his heart, and have his enemy triumph over him . Even Jesus questioned the Father , while on the cross He asked , My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? While trying to ask myself about , why would God not intervene in the place someone might be in ? The the thing that sticks out to me is because He the Father needs us . Yes as a Christian He already has our hearts , but He wants us to need Him because He needs us . He doesn't owe us anything but He freely gives His love , grace and mercy .He doesn't judge us now , there will be a time for that day . He loves the people of the world so that He sent His one and only Son to die a horrible death for us . There are consequences for things that we do in this life and when we are going through those hard times , He just wants us to lean on Him , He wants us to need Him , He wants us to seek comfort in Him , ALL BECAUSE OF LOVE .           DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Feb 18, 2024
Amy Brooks performing to Gratitude by Brandon Lake content media
The Church At Bethel
Feb 07, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
Hello everyone , I hope all are having a restful evening . Today at work I was going through my notes app on my phone snd came across a title that I was going to use for a devotional . The title name is "Filthy Rags " . So while I was looking at it words started pouring through my head . So I thought I'd just go ahead and post it . - Dwayne Short WRING OUT THIS DIRTY RAG I'm sitting here on the steps  Of A little country church  Thinking on the memories Of days gone by Some that make me happy  And there are some that make cry If it wasn't for my savior  I would've withered up and died See He took this old old filthy rag And He made it look brand new  There may still be a few holes there  Cause I have more work to do Lord wring out this old filthy rag Make me spotless make me new But Lord please leave those holes there  So I know what not to do Jesus is who we run to In darkest of nights When you offer Him your whole heart You'll have eternal life See He wrung out this old filthy rag And He made me look brand new  There may still be a few holes there  Cause I have more work to do Lord wring out this old filthy rag Make me spotless make me new But Lord please leave those holes there  So I know what not to do Lord please leave those few holes there  So I know not what to do Im sittin here on the steps  Of a little old country church WRING OUT THIS OLD FILTHY RAG So while I was singing this to Tina so she could hear what the melody would sound like . The Holy Spirit is speaking to my heart . That Jesus fills that hole He is a covering so your past is forgotten . He is like a patch on one side you can't see the hole only the stitches . The stitches that those who know you and the things that we've  gone through can see . This is a testimony of the Grace that the Lord extends to us , by them seeing our healing take place . When Jesus showed Thomas the wounds in His hands , feet and side , Jesus was showing just what He willingly did for mankind  . It is Grace that works along side of Faith and together they equal Saved . When we are cleaning around the house we saturate our rags with water and wring all the filthy stuff that was picked up out , so we can put fresh and new clean water on the rag to clean up all of the rest of the filth picked up . He IS returning for a spotless bride . Let Him grab your heart and wring everything that you don't need out .             Be blessed and secured .                      DWAYNE SHORT
The Church At Bethel
Jan 30, 2024
In ✒Your Daily Devotion🦅
You might be wondering where I came up with the title of this devotional. Well long ago or not so long ago, towns or cities had a "crier". There job was to stand on the corner and speak out loudly to the people of the town/city. Most of the announcements were of public importance some were of upcoming events. You might even say that they were the source to which the people got alot of their news. When the Revolutionary War was starting there was a man named Paul Revere although I'm not sure if he was a town crier, he certainly was when he rode through the towns and cried out " the British are coming, the British are coming ". As followers of Christ Jesus we are all supposed to do the job as a crier. We were Commissioned to go out and tell the world . We were asked to do the job of a Crier for the world , as it states in John 20 : 21-23 . We are to not only speak, but show the world of God's Love through our testimony . In other words " Lead by example " . Just as Gabriel was like a crier for the appearance of Jesus . We should be making sure that we tell others that Jesus will come again to get His Bride . And to let everyone know that , " THE BEST HAS YET TO COME "       -DWAYNE SHORT

The Church At Bethel

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