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Women's Ministry


Good morning ladies! I hope your Monday is going well. I pray that you all have a blessed week. I just wanted to share a little something that's on my heart this morning. Be aware of DISTRACTIONS!!!!

I've been trying to stay focused on what God has me doing at this time in my life. It's so hard sometimes though, right? Like things will be moving and going good. Then all of a sudden.... Bam! Sickness! I've been dealing with bronchitis/walking pneumonia since last week. I'm doing better today, but boy, did that stop me in my tracks!!!!!! I don't know about y'all, but when sickness hits me like that, I feel like I'm never going to feel normal again. Like I'll never finish out this thing God wants me to do so I might as well just give this up now. Why even try to do it? That's…

Emily Bartley
Jennifer Hollinger
The Church At Bethel
Lori Dunn
Tina Short
Tina Short
Feb 27, 2023


Good morning ladies! I just wanted to share a little of my devotion this morning. I hope it encourages you. The scripture today is one of my favorites. It is Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is among you, a warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will be quiet in His love. He will delight in you with singing."

One dictionary describes the meaning of among as "surrounded by" or "in the company of."

The surrounding presence of God is among us at all times in every way. We get to be in the company of God! Hallelujah!

You might not always feel Him near you, but by faith, you know He is there and rejoicing over you with gladness and quiets you in His love. I pray that today you feel the presence of God's love over you. He is there my friends. Love…

Chelsea Smitherman
Emily Bartley
Becky Lawley
Jennifer Hollinger
Lori Dunn
Lori Dunn
Feb 21, 2023

Thank you, much needed ❤️❤️❤️


Christmas 2016

Robin Lowery
Debra Hughes

Ladies Outing Mizu's in Alabaster June 16th 2017

Emily Bartley
Debra Hughes


Welcome ! This group is for the ladies who attend The Church...
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