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Women's Ministry


Good afternoon ladies! I just wanted to drop in and hopefully encourage someone today. I just want you to know that the Lord is there. He is in that situation that you're in right now. He promised to NEVER leave you or forsake you (Deut. 31:8). He knows your need before you even know your need. I am witness to that. Some of you have not heard my testimony about having open heart surgery in 2016. I'll just give you the small version of it. It was a very hard and dark time for me. I knew He was there but wasn't hearing from Him, feeling Him or seeing Him. Nothing! After it was over with, I found out just how bad my heart really was. I basically only had ONE artery keeping me alive. Talk about a different level of praise!!!! It's almost like I could feel Him telling me," See! I was there BEFORE you even knew you needed me. I was keeping you alive! I was there way back there before you knew there was a problem." Hallelujah! He's doing the same thing for you! He's already on the scene. He's been on the scene! Just be encouraged friends! Just know He's there! He's there! He's there! He's there! I love you all and pray your days are blessed!

Deuteronomy31:8- "And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be discouraged."

Brentley Greene
Emily Bartley
Becky Lawley
Jennifer Hollinger
Brentley Greene
Brentley Greene
04 févr. 2023

Yes ma’am!!! He is ALWAYS FAITHFUL 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻



Welcome ! This group is for the ladies who attend The Church...
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