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Women's Ministry


Hello my beautiful sisters in Christ!

I hope your day and your week has been blessed! We are slowly but surely getting everyone on into our group here on the app. Hopefully we will get everyone all set up soon so they can take part in this awesome community! One thing that I am praying for in this new year for our Women's Ministry is having more connection, interaction, and growth! What about you? What are YOU hoping to gain from our Women's Ministry this year? I'm excited to have Mrs. Angela Cleckler leading us this year and look forward to seeing what God places on her heart to plan for us! Leading a strong group of women isn't for the faint of heart 😅 so let's remember to keep her in our prayers as God guides her in this leadership role this year. Just know I love each of you and each of you has a gifting placed down inside of you that God is wanting to bring forth and blossom to help work together for His Kingdom! I pray that those gifts will be revealed in this season if they have not yet been revealed. I pray that you each will come to know your value and worth in the Father and especially to our church family! You are all rubies! So in closing in the comments below please take time to share with us your thoughts and if you have any prayer requests! Love you all and I look forward to seeing you all Sunday! xoxo

Lori Dunn
Star Crawford
Willona Headley
Jan 27, 2023

Thank you Bridget! That’s a great question. It’s actually one that I’ve been thinking about asking this morning as well. I would love to hear everyone’s comment to this question. What do you hope to gain? And yes, your prayers are very much appreciated!



Welcome ! This group is for the ladies who attend The Church...
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