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Women's Ministry


Good morning ladies! I hope you all are having a great week so far. I just wanted to share a little something on my heart today. Some of this may be a little personal, but I feel led to share. It's a little long, but I hope you read.

Back around '97 or '98 we decided to start trying to have a family. I always thought that whenever I decided to do that, it would just happen. No problems or issues. It would just happen. Well, I found out different. I wasn't able to get pregnant because of PCOS. Without telling a bunch of details, let's just get to the point. My Dr talked with me about infertility treatments. We prayed and thought long and hard about that. Like is it right to do? What does God think about this? Really struggling with this, I was driving home from work one evening and listening to WDJC. What I heard this man say struck me so hard. It was as if the Lord spoke right to my heart. "Do what's POSSIBLE for you to do and leave the IMPOSSIBLE to me." We decided to do the treatments. On and on the treatments went with no results. Next step was IVF. I decided I was done. I couldn't go any further. I was tired. Why the Lord had me go through all that, I'll never know. But I DID know He had a plan.

After that we felt led to become foster parents. Still hearing, "Do what's POSSIBLE for you to do and leave the IMPOSSIBLE to me." We went through some hard times, but God gave us our three beautiful children through adoption. Hallelujah!

Today, I'm going through another situation of leaving the impossible to God. I know some of you will understand that our pets mean a lot to us. I have a feral cat that has been the neighborhood cat for years now. Recently she had started staying in our yard and hasn't left. She seems to be very sick. With her being a feral cat, there's no way we can get her to the vet. She's never let us get close to her. Until a week or so ago. She actually came up to me and wanted me to pet her. We still have a long way to go, but she doesn't seem to be that scared of me anymore. She lets me pet her all the time now but I know I still can't pick her up to take her to the vet. So I've been doing everything I know to do for this baby to get her better. Through a lot of research and everything, I'm doing all I know to do. I have cried and prayed for this baby. Feeling at a loss and just discouraged. Again, the Lord spoke to my heart. " Do what's POSSIBLE for you to do and leave the IMPOSSIBLE to me." I know you may be thinking that it's just a cat but as pastor says what concerns me concerns God. I believe we should take of these fur babies.

I said all this to say that no matter what your situation is, may you hear that Voice that says," Do all that's POSSIBLE for you to do and leave the IMPOSSIBLE to Me." Let Him do what you can't friend! He knows how to do it. I love you all and hope the rest of your week is so blessed that it knocks your socks off!!!! 😄❤️

Emily Bartley
Becky Lawley
The Church At Bethel
Lori Dunn
Becky Lawley
Becky Lawley
02 may 2023

Thank you for sharing! Really think it was something I needed to hear. It's so hard for me to just lay it all in his hands and leave it there.

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