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Prayer Requests


Battling some things . It's a real struggle right now. I keep most things to myself .. God bless you and keep you. Prayers if you feel led

Chelsea Smitherman
Becky Lawley
Jennifer Hollinger
Lori Dunn
Lori Dunn
09. Feb. 2023

Praying for you Amy. ❤️❤️❤️

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Good morning! Let's keep Pastor and Sis Deb up in prayer in prayer as they lay his precious Aunt to rest this morning. Blessings!

Hannah Campbell
Jennifer Hollinger
Star Crawford
Pastor Wayne Hughes
Pastor Wayne Hughes
08. Feb. 2023

Thank you Timothy and everyone for your prayers! We can sense His presence and I know the Lord’s grace will strengthen us. I feel those prayers! Love you all!

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Hello everyone! Please keep Wayne in prayer. His mother's sister passed away and we just found out visitation is tonight, he and his sister has to sing at funeral tomorrow and he has to help with the preaching of the funeral. Has a lot on him today and he is at Turning Point today. Just wanted to let y'all know. He has a little extra on him today and tomorrow and just asked y'all continue praying for him. Thank you!

Randall Greene
Emily Bartley
Hannah Campbell
Marissa Dicus
Marissa Dicus
07. Feb. 2023

Praying for you all and Pastor! Praying God hides you guys in his peace and perfect love! Love you all! Praying for strength and comfort!

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Please pray for me I'm down with my back.

Thank y'all so much

Hannah Campbell
Becky Lawley
Jennifer Hollinger
Kristie Broadhead
Kristie Broadhead
10. Feb. 2023

Are you feeling better?

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