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Prayer Requests


Okay now we really need your prayers. It's not Lauren's kidney, she has a mass surrounding her ovary, it has twisted cutting off blood flow. ( ovarian torsion) They believe it's cancerous, but will know more after more test, but are planning on taking her to surgery asap tonight or in the morning at the latest.

I know a God that can and does do miracles! I am praying for just that, a miracle. I know doctors are skilled and that skill is given by God, but I also know how God can heal, remove and restore with or without the doctor's doing anything at all. God healed me from my stroke, took away my blockages and completely removed the aneurysm from behind my right eye. So Father, You have done these for me, I ask You to do it for Lauren . Give to her a miracle. She has 5 children who need her and so do I.

Help me Lord to stand fast, strong and not waver Touch my baby girl, take away her pain and this mass and show once again that You are a miracle working God. All praise, honor and glory are Yours alone. Bless be the name of the Lord. Amen

The Church At Bethel
Willona Headley
Robin Lowery

Praying in agreement! God can do it! - Bridget



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