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Prayer Requests

Public·57 members

Prayers for Brett and I, and also Hannah. There are some timed prayer request that need to be answered, but coming back home to Chilton County is on the horizon.

Kristie Broadhead
Kristie Broadhead
31. Jan. 2024

Continued prayers for the three of you! God’s will be done speedy 💜

Per Linda Noel: Please pray for my friend Tammy. Her eye surgery is 11:00 tomorrow morning. Thanks!

Bridget Marcus
Bridget Marcus
31. Jan. 2024

Update: Tammy is out of surgery.Tried to do it under twilight anesthesia but was too painful,had to put her under deeply.Shes not doing well emotionally.Wont know how successful the surgery was for a few weeks.She was completely blind in that eye.Thank you for all the prayers.Appreciate all of u so much

Continued Prayers for Dylan Green, Amy Brooks, and Teresa Riddle (Mrs. Jackie Mims sister). If you have a prayer request please feel free to share. Thanks!

Timothy C
Timothy C
29. Jan. 2024

Praying over these requests

Prayers for Amy Brooks 🙏 Also wanted to update on my daddy's scan he had done a couple of weeks ago. It came back clear praise God! He is still having pain in his arm so prayers for healing and that they can figure out what it is. Thanks!

Timothy C
Timothy C
22. Jan. 2024

Praying for Amy!


Let us know how we can pray for you or for others that has a...

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