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Children's Church Ministry


Good evening to all my young friends. I hope you are having a blessed week. Are you still snacking on all that Easter goodies. I had cupcakes for you Sunday. We ran out of time and I failed to give them to you. Sorry about that. Hunting for the eggs was done in a rush. There was a reason for searching for them. This Sunday you will find out why. Only 6 of the eggs were missing. I went back Sunday afternoon to search for them. I found 4 of them. There is a purple and white egg missing. If you happened to take one or both of them home please tell your parents to let me know. They are part of the set of Resurrection eggs. Ihope to see you all Sunday morning. Several of you were missing Sunday . I hope to see you this Sunday. Have a blessed week. Always know God loves you and so do I.


The Church At Bethel
Jessica Langston


Welcome! Our Children's Church Ministry Ages from 5-12 here...
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