Today I got a notification on my phone from my photo gallery . So as it played I watched it go through a series of pictures grandkids cars then it came to a special one . It was Tina when she was going through chemo treatments . She had the biggest smile with a sweater and toboggin on will pushing the I.V. stand . She said she got really cold when she went through those treatments . The date was Feb.20,2020 . That photo is a reminder of a God who heals and a strong testimony of Faith . God is so good to me and my family . He chose the perfect person for me . A helper and my very best earthly friend . Don't know what I would do without Her . She is really the best and ILove her so much . I pray that someone may read this and their Faith will be made strong . Tina was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer , had no symptoms , no warning . Just a routine colonoscopy . It took a couple of months before she could see the Doctor at UAB that would diagnose it as cancer . It was a polyp that what they call endented . He try to remove it but he couldn't . So he referred her to another Doctor there at UAB where she would have a section of her colon removed . This whole time her comments were God's got this . I tried not to worry because I didn't want to be negative . I did wonder a few times , what would I do IF something bad happened ? But I always remembered what she said '"God's got this ". She made it through the surgery like the champion she is . I know in the back of her mind she thought about , what if it comes back ? There were stories of others that didn't have the same outcome that she did . So today has been 3 years since this picture was taken , She went through the chemo and now thriving like she should be . She gets a few curve balls thrown her way occasionally but she is doing really good . I can't express how much she means to me . Scripture tells us to have Faith it also tells us For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future . We just need alittle itty bitty amount of Faith . When we put our Trust in the Lord our battles are being fought by a Champion not a loser . So be a Champion that He created us to be , use your Faith to prosper your life . No we aren't promised anything but Heaven awaits us when He is part of our life . TRUST HIM .
Beautiful testimony! Thank you so much for sharing. Before I read this I was in the office at TP and a young man has a shirt with “Champion” on the front! I’ve told a couple of guys because of our Champion we are Champions!!
Thanks again!
❤️❤️❤️ thank you! Love y’all!