While teaching on this Wednesday evening Pastor said something that kind of got my attention . He said " fire consumes dead things ". Thinking on what he was saying I started thinking about different types of fires . For instance a forest fire gets its fuel to burn by burning up leaves that have fallen to the ground or even dead trees that might be laying there . The dead foilage on the ground is quickly consumed by the fires . There two kind of fires that affect us if we allow them to . One is the fire from God , the holy spirit fire . The other is the fires of hell . We can be consumed by either , but the one we strive for is The Holy Fire of God . The fires of hell are for those whom do not believe as it states in God's word in Revelation chapter 20 . So back to the forest fire . After a forest fire trees dead and alive are consumed by the fire but in just a little while there is new growth new trees , flowers grass sprouts back to life . And soon it becomes a forest again . Scripture tells us that God sends His Holy Fire so that we would be dead to our sin . See Jesus is the Fire that God sent for one final sacrifice . Jesus paid our debt , so that we would not have to worry about or live in our past . Our Salvation comes from the longsuffering of our Lord . We need to be consumed by the presence of our Lord as we strive each and every day to do our best or things that are right . Holy Fire of God consume me . Be Blessed and like wise consumed by Jesus ' Love .