Have you been inspired by something ? Most people have been . Some by a movie , book , song or something else . Recently I have been inspired by my grandson Luka . Most know of him being born with Spina Bifada . He is almost two years old and he has gone through alot in his short time here . I've watched him as he pushes himself every day . He recently got a loaner walker from his physical therapist . And man he can really get around with it . He can do things that impressed the very prople that had doubt . It is also important to be inspired by the Word of God . Because without that our Faith would not be able to grow . Being inspired by Luka is a Faith builder for me . When he was born he had to lay on his tummy for about three weeks , until the incision area healed . He is able to get around now by cruising on his loaner wheels . He will be getting his very own in a few months . He is learning each day to maneuver it around pretty good . God is so good . He can remove all doubts , He can pull us out of any problem . GOD IS BIGGER THAN ANY PROBLEM . Through Christ Jesus we are able to move any mountain . So be inspired by God's Holy Word . And find something of God that inspires you . It just takes a second if you look around .