I came across this older devotional . With football aeason over with , I thought I'd share a view of our Head Coach , Offensive Coordinator and Defensive Coordinator .
If we look we really can see God in everything .
This morning I was remembering when I was helping coach , little league football . It was a very satisfying thing to do . I remember we were needing some young fellows to step up and help on the D line and teaching things I'd seen during the time when I played in high school, from the coaches . I wasn't big enough to play on the line , but I did watch and listen . One important thing that we need to realise as Christians is we need to know how to play both ways offense and defense . One thing I always told the young boys that I coached is the story of David and Goliath . That size doesn't always matters but it does help . Belief in Jesus and ourselves is what we all need . I showed them how to stay low and just squirm through the enemies line and start grabbing legs . To do this you have to have a good base / foundation and be quick . One of the boys is a good friend to my son Tristan . Justin was willing to try what ever it took . He was pretty good at squeezing through the O line and messing things up for the other team . Can you see where im going with this ? We Christians need to put on the Armor of God and ready ourselves . Get that firm , solid rock foundation and take down the other team with God's Holy Word . Take that situation / storm down . Cause a turn/over and march right into a Glorious life in Christ . You see a Wonderful and Glorious Eternity is our prize . A chance to spend that time with the Head Coach , Offensive Coordinator and Defensive Coordinator. Choose life and score a touchdown .