There are 3 components to make a car engine run . Fuel , oil and water /air ,( I use air and water as the same because some engines are air cooled . There are also 3 wheel , tire and air . The cars body sheet metal , windshield and windows are like the Armor of God and is for protection from the elements or debris .
Just as the world today has been taking God / Christianity out of everthing . The auto industry is replacing metal with plastics . And as the world denies the Trinity the auto industry is replacing or trying to replace the combustion engine with Electric powered cars . Here are the comparisons
Engine/power train = Praise / Worshipers
Fuel/water/oil = The Trinity
Tires/wheels = Congregations to keep going
Frame = The Word
Headlights , lights our way. Steering guides our way . And the cabin /windows gives us a safe environment The Armor is our protection from the worldly elements . GPS is set to the destination that all followers of Jesus Christ , an eternal relationship with Him .
So take a seat and buckle up and get ready because ,